As lic. Real Estate Broker we know what you need.
post@vidila.deTo be successful in the real estate and business you need a personalized IT-toolbox. Please write an email with your inquiry.
post@vidila.deOur Company has changed its domestic work area in the hard- und software sector to a new level and specializes its expertise into the international real estate field. The international brokers work on different technical platforms and our services assists in the integration and exchange of the international platform contents for a successful cooperation.
Each company and each business needs a specialized IT-environment that matches the necessities and responsibilities of the business field. In the global business world the cultural business rules are an additional criteria for success.
Unsere Firma hat ihre nationale Ausrichtung im Hard- und Softwarebereich auf neues Level gehoben und ihre Expertise auf den internationalen Real Estate Bereich spezialisiert. Die internationalen Broker arbeiten auf unterschiedlichen technischen Plattformen und unsere Services unterstuetzen die Integration und Austausch diese internationalen Plattformen fuer die gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit.
Jede Firma und jedes Geschaeft benoetigt ein spezialisiertes IT-Umfeld, dass den Notwendigkeiten und den Verantwortlichkeiten des Firmenumfelds entspricht. Im globalen Umfeld sind die kulturellen Businessregularien eine weiteres Kriterium fuer Erfolg.
If you want to be successful in the future, you will need the IT technical environment of future.
The up-to-date IT toolbox is the success recipe for a global Real Estate Broker.
The company VIDIA is since 1991 active in the IT market and worked with IT departments and universities in innovative, highly specialized projects. We assisted our partners in the hard- as well as the software field. Based on our experience and expertise we have extended our business internationally and help international specialized broker in Europe, US and Caribbean with the hard- and software requirements. Our business office in the US is the Florida Services & Information LLC.